Independent Research Seminar Wiki
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by Suhaila Tenly 2 weeks, 2 days ago
BCPS Independent Research Seminar: Course Information & Symposium Highlights
The future belongs to young people who know where the knowledge is, how to get it, how to think about it, and how to turn it into better work, better products, better lives. -- Rexford Brown, Educator and Author
The Independent Research Seminar is an elective high school course coordinated by the Office of Library Media Programs and Educational Technology in collaboration with the Office of Career and Technology Education and Fine Arts.
STUDENTS or PARENTS with questions about course offering and student enrollment should contact their own high school's Counseling Office. You may review the Online Research Framework to see the research process used by students, and see annual Independent Research Symposium Highlights below. Your school library media specialist can provide additional details about learning opportunities and expectations for this course.
HIGH SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS, COUNSELORS, and LIBRARY MEDIA SPECIALISTS may use these Course Implementation Resources, including a Course Snapshot, brochure, and resources to ensure that the course is an appropriate choice for prospective students. For additional information about implementing this course at your school, contact BCPS Library Media Programs at 443-809-4035 or via email:
Amanda Lanza, Coordinator alanza@bcps.org
Suhaila Tenly, Specialist stenly@bcps.org
Visit the Online Research Framework used by students enrolled in this course.
- Course Instructors/Library Media Specialists use Units and Lessons in Schoology which correspond to each step in the Online Research Framework.
To be human is to dream,
to think beyond what exists today. -- John Hockenberry, Journalist and Author

2024 Virtual Symposium

2023 Virtual Symposium

2022 Virtual Symposium
2021 Virtual Symposium
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, students engaged in remote and hybrid learning to create and record their research presentations this year.
2020 Virtual Symposium
Due to the spring COVID-19 school closure, students engaged in remote learning to create and record their research presentations this year.

2019 Symposium
Student Presentations (YouTube video) Total run-time: 4:21:35

2018 Symposium
Student Presentations: YouTube Playlist
2017 Symposium
Student Presentation Videos
2016 Symposium
2016 Symposium Presentation from Baltimore County Public Schools on Vimeo.
2015 Symposium
2014 Symposium
2013 Symposium (pilot year)
Stress and Academic Performance: a student research project Blog post by Kathleen Carino, 2013 student researcher and graduate of Eastern Technical High School and a UMBC freshman.
BCPS Independent Research Seminar Conference Presentations:
Student Research Gets Personal: The Independent Research Seminar (presentation slides)
Conference Presentation by Joquetta Johnson, Library Media Specialist, Randallstown High School @accordin2jo and Kelly Ray, Resource Teacher, BCPS Library Media Programs @krayz4libraries
Independent Research Seminar Wiki
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